A good SEO services company should be aware of Google’s Panda update and how it effects their client’s websites. Many bloggers and website owners have been discussing the Panda update, which is also referred to as Farmer. For the most part, Panda is an updated that is taking search engine results in the right direction. Google strives to make quality a top priority over quantity. Search engine ranking has come quite a long way in the last ten years. There was a time when any sub par website could cram keywords into content and move up on results pages. They keywords were there but the content was transformed into a mess that held no value to a human reader. Things have changed dramatically since then and Google’s Panda hopes to push progress even further.
What’s the Big Deal About Google Panda?
To some, an algorithm change doesn’t mean very much. Google has changed the way it ranks pages many times. The main difference is that past changes were always very subtle. Few site owners even noticed any fluctuation. Initially, Google Panda was said to effect around 12% of U.S. based web pages. In April of 2011, the update was expanded to include websites from all over the world.
When Panda (or Farmer) was implemented, Google did not officially state that the update was intended to negatively impact content farmers in particular. Despite this fact, the company had made comments previously that indicated this type of activity would be a target for the popular search engine. It is clear that Panda furthers the goal, even if it is not openly described as an anti-content farm update.
What Is Your SEO Company Doing to Keep Your Site in Good Standing?
Every website owner wants to keep their pages in good standing with Google. Although the update was months ago, it is vital that you make sure your SEO company has adapted its methods to include changes made by the Panda update. This may be even more important if your site has dropped or stagnated in terms of results page ranking.
When reviewing your website, keep a few things in mind about Google Panda. Panda has a strong dislike for duplicate content. Whether you supply all your own content or hire an SEO company to create it, make sure it is entirely original. Duplicate content will cause your site to drop more now than ever before. If you include content taken from third party resources, it may be time to update with unique text.
Social media marketing has been a powerful ally for website owners for years. The Panda update has reinforced that fact. Google will now evaluate a web page’s popularity on popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter. A site that is discussed more often will receive more attention from Google compared to one that is rarely mentioned. If your SEO company offers social media services, it may be time to upgrade. Make sure you include a link or button to all social media profiles for your business on your website as well.
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